How to Navigate This Site


Clicking "Home" on the left side of the site will return you to the home page.



To view the name of the source file, click on the notebook icon .  It will show you the file name of the source document (i.e. Soash_1079).  All of these sources have been digitized and are available if you contact me. 

To view the sources of information, click on the certificate icon .   This will show you the source.  In some cases, it will include a URL that you can copy and paste into your web browser to see the source.  Many are from, which is a subscription site.

Name Index

Clicking "Name Index" on the left side of the site will open a list of names on the site.


This site has 3 different views for each person: 1) an Individual view, 2) a Pedigree view, and 3) one or more Family views. Any time a person's name is shown on this site, there will be 3 buttons to the right of their name which let you switch to one of these views for that person.

Individual View

The Individual view displays the person's name, notes, photos, events, and families. Any events which have notes, sources, or media will have an image to the right which you can click to view that particular item. Each family member will have 3 buttons to the right of their name so that you can switch to one of the 3 views for that person.

Pedigree View

The Pedigree view displays a 4 generation pedigree chart for the person. The pedigree will display the person's name, birth and death date, and a picture if there is one. Each person's name will have 3 buttons to the right of their name so that you can switch to one of the 3 views for that person.

Family View

The Family view displays a family group for the person (there may be more than one family view for each person). It will list the father, mother, and children in the family, along with their events. Any events which have notes, sources, or media will have an image to the right which you can click to view that particular item. Each family member will have 3 buttons to the right of their name so that you can switch to one of the 3 views for that person.

Created with RootsMagic Genealogy Software